Julia: How to Write Data Frames as JSON Files

Hongtao Hao / 2021-07-13

The following post is tested under Julia v1.6.1, DataFrames.jl v1.2.0, JSON.jl v0.21.1, and JSONTables.jl v1.0.1.

To export data frames as JSON files in Julia, you need JSON.jl , or JSONTables.jl . The key difference between the two packages is that JSON.jl transforms a dictionary, a vector of dictionaries, or a vector of DataFrameRow, whereas JSONTables.jl processes dataframes. Note that JSON.jl might be capable of processing other forms of data than what I mentioned above, but I don’t know what they are.

To write JSON files, the output can either be a json object of arrays, or a json array of objects. I’ll explain the differences between the two in the following part.

Let’s first look at a simple example.

using DataFrames, JSON, Dates, DataStructures, JSONTables, Random
dates_simple = collect(Date(2021,1,1):Day(1):Date(2021,1,5))
names_simple = ["John", "Mike", "Tom", "David", "Joshua"]
properties_simple = ["Awesome", "Amazing", "Excellent", "Wonderful", "Awful"]
values_simple = rand(5)
df_simple = DataFrame(:Date => dates_simple, :Name => names_simple, 
    :Property => properties_simple, :Value => values_simple)
julia> df_simple

5×4 DataFrame
 Row │ Date        Name    Property   Value    
     │ Date        String  String     Float64  
   1 │ 2021-01-01  John    Awesome    0.590845
   2 │ 2021-01-02  Mike    Amazing    0.766797
   3 │ 2021-01-03  Tom     Excellent  0.566237
   4 │ 2021-01-04  David   Wonderful  0.460085
   5 │ 2021-01-05  Joshua  Awful      0.794026

JSON object of arrays #

Let’s first look at how to produce a json object of arrays. In a json object of arrays, each column name will be this object’s key, and the content of this column will be the key’s value.

The easiest way to get a json object of arrays is through JSONTables.jl’s objecttable().

jts_objecttable_source = objecttable(df_simple) # jts here stands for JSONTables
open("jts_objecttable.json", "w") do f
    write(f, jts_objecttable_source)
Results of jts_objecttable.json (rendered on Observablehq)

Results of jts_objecttable.json (rendered on Observablehq)

We can achieve this through JSON.jl as well, and there are two ways we can do this.

The first solution:

df_simple_dict = OrderedDict(:Date => dates_simple, :Name => names_simple, 
    :Property => properties_simple, :Value => values_simple)
json_string_jjl_1 = JSON.json(df_simple_dict)
open("jjl_objecttable_1.json", "w") do f # jjl here stands for json.jl; w means "writing"
    write(f, json_string_jjl_1)
Results of jjl_objecttable_1.json (rendered on Observablehq)

Results of jjl_objecttable_1.json (rendered on Observablehq)

The second solution:

open("jjl_objecttable_2.json", "w") do f
    JSON.print(f, df_simple_dict)
Results of jjl_objecttable_2.json (rendered on Observablehq)

Results of jjl_objecttable_2.json (rendered on Observablehq)

As you can see, the first option first transforms df_simple_dict into JSON, and then uses the write() function to export the JSON file. The second option uses JSON.print() to do conversion and exporting simultaneously.

You have these two options when exporting files through JSON.jl. I’ll use the second one for illustration later in this post.

JSON array of objects #

In a JSON array of objects, each row in the data frame will be an object in which the df’s column name is the key and the cell value is the value.

It’s very easy to produce a JSON array of objects using JSONTables.jl’s arraytable() function:

jts_arraytable_source = arraytable(df_simple) # jts here stands for JSONTables
open("jts_arraytable.json", "w") do f
    write(f, jts_arraytable_source)
Results of jts_arraytable.json (rendered on Observablehq)

Results of jts_arraytable.json (rendered on Observablehq)

To get a JSON array of objects using JSON.jl, we need to first obtain an array whose element corresponds to each row in the data frame:

array_objects = [] # initiate an array
# iterate through the data frame row by row and add each row to array_objects
for r in eachrow(df_simple) 
    push!(array_objects, r)

open("jjl_arraytable.json", "w") do f # jjl here stands for json.jl
    JSON.print(f, array_objects)
Results of jjl_arraytable.json (rendered on Observablehq)

Results of jjl_arraytable.json (rendered on Observablehq)

Practice: a more complicated data frame #

Let’s practice through a more complex data frame.

dates = repeat(dates_simple, inner = 5)
names = repeat(names_simple, outer = 5)
properties = repeat(properties_simple, outer = 5)
values = 10 * rand(25)
df = DataFrame(:Date => dates, :Name => names, :Property => properties, :Value => values)
julia> df

25×4 DataFrame
 Row │ Date        Name    Property   Value    
     │ Date        String  String     Float64  
   1 │ 2021-01-01  John    Awesome    4.96169
   2 │ 2021-01-01  Mike    Amazing    7.32
   3 │ 2021-01-01  Tom     Excellent  2.99058
   4 │ 2021-01-01  David   Wonderful  4.49182
   5 │ 2021-01-01  Joshua  Awful      8.75096
   6 │ 2021-01-02  John    Awesome    0.462887
   7 │ 2021-01-02  Mike    Amazing    6.98356
   8 │ 2021-01-02  Tom     Excellent  3.65109
  ⋮  │     ⋮         ⋮         ⋮         ⋮
  19 │ 2021-01-04  David   Wonderful  5.9552
  20 │ 2021-01-04  Joshua  Awful      2.92462
  21 │ 2021-01-05  John    Awesome    2.8858
  22 │ 2021-01-05  Mike    Amazing    6.1816
  23 │ 2021-01-05  Tom     Excellent  6.6426
  24 │ 2021-01-05  David   Wonderful  7.53508
  25 │ 2021-01-05  Joshua  Awful      0.368842
                                10 rows omitted

Let’s say I want an array of objects, similar to the above array tables. Since each person has five values scattered on five dates, I want the value to contain both the date and the corresponding value.

To do that, we need the groupby() function:

data = []
for g in groupby(df, :Name)
    person_data = OrderedDict(
        "Name" => g.Name[end],
        "Property" => g.Property[end],
        "Value" => collect(zip(g.Date, g.Value))
    push!(data, person_data)

open("person_data.json", "w") do f
    JSON.print(f, data)
Results of person_data.json (rendered on Observablehq)

Results of person_data.json (rendered on Observablehq)

References #

Last modified on 2021-10-05